
Did you know? The project will have the capital raised reserved in dollars.

The funds collected will play a very important role in starting and giving impetus to the development of the project. It will make it possible to fully comply with the roadmap and activate a large part of the sources of income described in the Revenues section of this document.

What will the money be spent on annually?

Team: This is the core of work to achieve the development objectives of the project and therefore, the activation of income. This is where the most budget has been allocated.

Office: A smaller part of the budget has been allocated for the purchase of technological items and preparation of the workplace, in order to optimize development times and order.

Software: Being a company that mainly works remotely, the project has assigned a budget for administrative software, such as the administration of work personnel, marketing, finances, and others.

Legal: This budget is necessary to comply with tax obligations, contracts and paperwork managed by lawyers.

Reserves: most of the capital will remain in the reserve to ensure the survival of the project until its stable stage.

Next, a table with the budget distribution (Total 825,000 usd):

Last updated